What is the right cookware for me?

Price is always one of the factor. But healthy cooking and convenience is as important.
Now, let's discuss on the different type of cookware material so you have a background check before you purchase any cookware.
The primary consideration in choosing cookware is the material it is constructed from. Copper is the most expensive but also the best heat conductor. Superior heat conduction allows for even cooking.

Some manufacturers combine different materials into one pot, taking advantage of each metals' strengths. For example, you will find pans on the market made from stainless steel (a fair conductor but non-reactive) with a thick reinforced bottom containing aluminum (reactive but a better conductor).
The problem here is the heat conduction is not evenly dispersed throughout the pan and the bottom of your food will cook at an unacceptably disproportionate rate. You cannot braise food efficiently in such a pan. A pan with thorough and even heat conduction also eliminates “hot spots”. These are sections of the pan that are hotter than others, usually dead center in the bottom, which render browning your food uniformly a frustrating challenge.
Finally, a pan with good heat conduction rapidly responds to increases or decreases in temperature, thus allowing you quick control over the heat level. This attribute is necessary for successful cooking.
The problem with copper cookware, (beside the price), is reactivity. Copper, aluminum, and to a lesser extent cast iron, are “reactive” metals. That means they will chemically combine with certain foods, usually acidic ones, and alter the flavor and color of your preparation. Not to mention that you will be consuming unwanted levels of the metal.
Copper discolors and scratches easily as well.
Aluminum is a good heat conductor but as stated, reactive. Aluminum is also a soft metal and eventually wears down. It remains popular, especially in restaurant kitchens because it’s inexpensive.
Cast iron is not a very good conductor, but once it gets hot, it stays hot for a long time, mainly because of its mass. Cast iron is heavy. It is also inexpensive. However it has drawbacks as well: rusting, pitting, reactivity, and sticking to food. For all of these reasons cast iron pans must be “seasoned.” This means coating the entire pan, inside and out with oil or shortening and baking it to seal the fat into the pan, or polymerize it. This will thwart rusting and reactivity, and give you a non-stick surface.
Of course this protective layer breaks down over time and the process must be repeated. Some cast iron pans are coated with enamel. This is an attempt to ameliorate the dilemmas of cast iron while maintaining exceptional heat retention. I have one cast iron skillet for searing steaks. Nothing aside from a grill will give you that deliciously charred exterior. Another thing to consider about cast iron is its weight. That 12" cast iron skillet might look cool, but are you going to be able to pick it up when it's full of food?
You’re probably realizing at this point that there is no perfect pan. So which material can give us most of the qualities we desire with no glaring deficits?
Stainless Steel is the ultimate compromise. It provides the mid range in price and heat conduction, is durable, easy to clean, and non-reactive. Now we have a pan that embraces everything with one exception: price. You can’t have it all, but when you do, you have to pay for it.
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